Docking and Cancer Drug Design, Molecular Docking
Molecular docking tries to predict the structure of the intermolecular complex formed between two or more constituent molecules
What is Docking?
Docking attempts to find the “best” matching between two molecules also between chemical compound and protein/ enzyme
Given two biological molecules determine:
-Whether the two molecules “interact”
-If so, what is the orientation that maximizes the “interaction” while minimizing the total “energy” of the complex
•Goal: To be able to search a database of molecular structures and retrieve all molecules that can interact with the query structure
We will make (Molecular Docking) of the chemical compound to the discovery of antibiotics has properties depending on the latest version of the best high-definition programs in this field.
- We will send you a detailed report on program outputs include composite places a link with the chosen protein and the length and severity of the links connecting in addition to the images, which illustrate the best form of my free compound in case overlaps with the protein and the information required for the deployment of search
(2D Diagram - 3D Active Site)
Vital information for chemical compounds and designs extracted medicine from the program help for publication in scientific journals stronger.
Special offer for limiting time
سوف نقوم بعمل (Molecular Docking) للمركب الكيميائى لاكتشاف الخواص الحيوية له اعتمادا على اخر اصدار من افضل البرامج عالية الدقة فى هذا المجال
(Molecular Operating Environment - MOE)
- سوف نرسل لك تقرير مفصل عن مخرجات البرنامج يشمل اماكن رابط المركب مع البروتين المختار وطول الروابط وشدة الربط بالاضافة الى الصور التى توضح افضل تشكل فراغى للمركب فى حالة تداخله مع البروتين والمعلومات المطلوبة لنشر البحث
( 2D Diagram - 3D Active Site )
المعلومات الحيوية للمركبات الكيميائية وتصميمات الادوية المستخرجة من البرنامج تساعدك للنشر فى اقوى المجلات العلمية